The time has come when it won't be wrong to change the idiom 'It's not a rocket science' to 'it's not like being happy'.
The reason is very simple as people nowadays apprehend even the concept of rocket science much easily, but fail to decipher the only secret behind the art of 'BEING HAPPY'.
Every moment of our life will be worth living and will be a life story of positiveness and optimism if every second of it can be filled with bliss and self contentment. Though, one might argue that it's easier said than done, but it won't be much hard to subdue the three inbuilt traits in us- Anger, Envy and impatience by our own innovative way of perceiving things and living a merriful life full with every moments of happiness.
It's true that for a child it's very disheartening when the other siblings in the family receive more attention and care. For a student, it's always frustrating when someone of his own socio-economic standard gets an unearned opportunity to study in one of the premier institutes just because he was born in an influential family, or just for the reason that he got a chance to exploit the government's reservation system for backward classes, even though they are in no way backward to their peers. Likewise, the story of a professional can also be disappointing if he is not rewarded back by his organisation for his yearlong proactive hard work and dedication.
Though, there are inevitable reasons to be unhappy, demotivated and frustrated in all these instances in the first look, but a deeper perception and realisation would bring forward another picture. By bringing out the vicious traits of envy, anger and impatience in ourselves, the only thing that we can accomplish is to do harm to ourselves. It is then we should act upon to bring out the true secret behind the art of 'being happy'.
Let's consider the entire picture of above from a different angle. Just think if in the first instance, instead of giving birth to mutual hatred, the child perceives a different perception and realizes that may be his siblings are weaker than himself for which the family handle them in a more affectionate and caring way and he should also practice the same way to help his own brothers and sisters.
Consider for a moment, that instead of blaming his ill-fate of not taking birth in an influential family or criticizing the reservation system of the government, the student acknowledges the blessing of God for endowing him with more determination and stamina to outperform his privileged peers and seek his most desired seat in one of the leading institutes in the country. What if he apprehends the fact that a man becomes great not because of his influential family but because of his own talent and proficiency and that though the reservation system has many loopholes for which it is being considered as a social menace by many, there are always some needy, meritorious and deprived students who deserve this additional countenance to uplift the socio-economic standard of themselves and the country.
In the same way it would have worked wonder, if the professional instead of getting demotivated and losing interest in work, start loving his work more than anything else and express gratitude along with acknowledging the favour that the almighty has showered on him by giving him an environment and chance to work when most of his peers were just waiting anxiously to get an opportunity to learn some work.
These three were just mere examples citing how we can discover a positive side of every situation and give ourselves many reasons to be happy. Remember the little white angel and the tiny red demon we had seen in our childhood comic books? It's all about choosing the right path in every situation of our life which will unfold the secret of 'BEING HAPPY'.
- 25 reads
happiness is a state of mind
happiness is a state of mind my frnd ...