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Free Encrypt Decrypt Text Online

Submitted by Asif Nowaj, Last Modified on 2019-11-08

Enter your input string that want to encrypt. Then Press "Encrypt" button. This will encrypt your message along with a key value. If want to decrypt your encrypted message, you must have to provide both unaltered key and encrypted message. We do not store your message so we would not be able to retrieve your original message if you lost or alter your key or encrypted message.

Please write your string that you want to encrypt it and Press "Encrypt" button below.
Please write your encrypted string that you want to decrypt it.

Enter your encrypted message that want to decrypt along with the key that was provided when the original message was encrypted from this website. Then Press "Decrypt" button. This will decrypt your message if the message was encrypted from this website and neither key or message is tampered.

Please write your encrypted string that you want to decrypt it.
This is your decrypted string.

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