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Submitted by Mousumi Sepai, Last Modified on 2020-02-02

Deuterostomia is a superphylum of animals. They are the subtaxon of the Bilateria branch of the subregnum Eumetazoa. And are opposed to the protostomes. Deuterostomes are distinguished by their embryonic development, in deuterostomes.


Submitted by Mousumi Sepai, Last Modified on 2021-03-13

Cnidocyte is a unique and define in features of Cnidarians. It is a combine sensory effector cell. Structure of cnidocyte, Types of cnidocyte is explained.

Tornaria Larva

Submitted by Mousumi Sepai, Last Modified on 2022-07-03

A tornaria larva is the planktonic larva of some species of Hemichordata. They appear in the lower or middle cambrian and include two main classes: Enteropneusta (acron worms), and Pterobranchia. Acron worms are solitary worm-shaped organism.

Eusociality in termites

Submitted by Mousumi Sepai, Last Modified on 2020-02-02

Termites are diploid eusocial insects belonging to the order ‘Isoptera’. They thus satisfy the three conditions of eusociality. There is cooperation in looking after the young. Reproductive castes cared for by non-reproductive. There is an overlap of at least two-generations contributing to colony labour. On the basis of reproduction, termites have two castes.


Submitted by Mousumi Sepai, Last Modified on 2019-12-30

The technology which produces good quality organic manure by the use of suitable earthworm species from the waste material. It has 3 important components Vermiculture, Vermicomposting, Vermiconservation.

Biofertilizer notes

Submitted by Mousumi Sepai, Last Modified on 2019-12-24

This is for particularly for students who are looking for Biofertilizer notes for study. Biofertilizer is a substance which contains living microorganisms. Different types of biofertilizers like Rhizobium, Phosphate solubilizing microorganisms(PSM), Silicate solubilizing bacteria and Rhizobium are used as an example. It also contains its use on soil fertility and on agriculture.

Teradata case statement

Submitted by Asif Nowaj, Last Modified on 2019-12-19

In Teradata using case statement, you can specify an alternative value for a conditional expression based on the equality comparison that evaluates to true. Basically you represent some data based on different conditions.
