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group_concat in netezza

Submitted by Asif Nowaj, Last Modified on 2019-12-04

Group_concat in netezza is sometimes required when you want to concatenate strings after grouping the columns values. Built-in Group_concat in netezza function is not available out of the box, though Netezza group_concat alternative working example is available installing group_concat UDA in Netezza.

C# Float Array

Submitted by Asif Nowaj, Last Modified on 2020-05-08

C# Float Array, C-Sharp Float Array,Single-Dimensional Arrays - C# Programming Guide, C# - Arrays, C# - float[][] declaration, C# - float[][] initialization, Arrays in C# - working with arrays in CSharp, Get a float array in c#, Array of float in C.

How to release or remove lock on a table SQL server

Submitted by Asif Nowaj, Last Modified on 2019-12-03

How to release or remove lock on a table SQL server. how to release table lock in sql server 2014, how to release table lock in sql server 2012, how to check table lock in sql server 2008, how to release table lock in sql server 2017, sql kill spid, kill locks in sql server 2012, how to check table lock in sql server 2012, sql lock table, How Can I Release Lock on Tables? How to find out what is locking my tables? HOW TO RELEASE OR REMOVE LOCK ON A TABLE SQL SERVER, How to Get Rid of SQL Locks, How to release or remove lock on a table SQL server, How To Find locked tables and Kill Session IN Sql Server, [SOLUTION] How do I check or remove locks from SQL Server.

Feeding Mechanism in Bryozoa

Submitted by Mousumi Sepai, Last Modified on 2019-11-30

Feeding Mechanism in Bryozoa, How do bryozoans feed?, The method of feeding of lophophorates like Bryozoa, Ciliary feeding structures, Production of feeding current, Protrusion of lophophore, Hypothesis with regard to the feeding current in Bryozoa, Withdrawal of lophophore, Passage of food through the Alimentary tract.
