AVG is an aggregate function that returns arithmetic average of all values in value_expression. This is used in conjunction with GROUP BY clause.
AVG([Type] value_expression)
Value_expression => is a literal or column expression for which an average is to be computed. The expression cannot contain any ordered analytical or aggregate functions.
[Type] is an optional parameter. Type could be of “ALL” or “DISTINCT”.
For ALL => all non-null values specified by value_expression including duplicates, are included in the average computation for the group.
For DISTINCT => null and duplicate values specified in the value_expression are eliminated from average computation for the group.
Result type of Teradata average:
Default data type of the result of AVG(x) is REAL. If X is numeric, date, or interval, the format is the same format as X.
If the operand is character, the format is the default format for FLOAT.
If the operand is a UDT, the format is the format for the data type to which the UDT is implicitly cast.
Teradata Average example:
This example queries the sales table for average sales by region and returns the following results.
SELECT Region, AVG(sales)
FROM sales_tbl
ORDER BY Region;
Region Average (sales)
------ ---------------
North 21840.17
East 55061.32
Midwest 15535.73
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